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Stickam.com (was: Re: At Boise Festival Now...can't stream audio/video)

> As a back-up option, you might try www.stickam.com which is easy and 
>FREE as well...........


could you tell us a little about this service? Are you using it to
stream concerts or performances of you to listeners/viewers? If so,

how does that work? What is the terminology like on the site? What is
the intended use of that service?
(I'm asking because it appeared to me that the main application was
multi-participant video chat)

And more specifically:
How does it work from a tech standpoint?
(e.g. are you able to fine-adjust encoding parameters, as
stereo/sample rate etc.)
Does it work well for one guy streaming to a lot of people (meaning:
more than half a dozen or so)?
For several people combining their video stream to play to a lot of people?

Questions, questions, flocking to the mind of the concerned rock'n'
roll performer today...
