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Re: Sonuss G2M

Mark Sottilaro wrote:
> :shrug: I don't know.  I owned a Yamaha G50 and I noticed higher
> latency on lower notes.

Yes, it's still slower on the low notes.
Should have made it clear I wasn't disputing that.
Just overall faster than if it had to wait for a couple of cycles.
I'm pretty certain it's always going to be quicker to identify
a higher pitched note whatever method is used.

It's also quicker to guess the pitch if you already know the range,
so a hex p/u is always going to be faster.

> My biggest issue with all pitch to midi converts (hex and mono) is
> that they're all nice when you're clean picking, but try to do some
> subtle stuff like a hammer-on ghost note and watch the  yodeling
> begin. The G50 wasn't bad, but not perfect for sure.  In the end I
> just got frustrated and begain using my guitar for guitar sounds
> (crazy eh?) or heavily effected sounds.  Pod Farm has some awesome
> synth models that track almost perfectly if you're not playing chords.
>  Couple that with a Sustainiac or E-Bow and you're golden.

Me too :-)
tho' I didn't get on with any of the synth modellers I've 
actually tried (Line6 + Behringer).

> Can you really get a G50 sub $100 these days?  Wow.  What was deluxe...

I got mine for 70 GBP a while back, and I saw one going for that 
a couple of years ago.
The ebay one is 50 GBP starting price with 3 days to go.


> On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 6:42 AM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> 

>> Here's one on UK ebay
>> Mark Sottilaro wrote:
>>> That makes sense as you need at least a couple of wave cycles to
>>> figure out a pitch.  Lower notes are going to inherently have more
>>> latency.
>> Actually the Axon technology can get it a bit faster than that by 
>> at the transient produced when the pick strikes the string. (G50 
>> Axon tech).
>> This allows a quick guess which is then adjusted by pitchbend info if
>> needed.
>> I don't know if the G2M has something similar.
>> andy butler