Jim sounds amazing - sorry i was late - wonderful with those percussion sounds - i'm on in 10mins mate
Matt Stevens www.mattstevensguitar.com
On 9 Aug 2009, at 05:38, Jim Goodin wrote: Matt thanks - we'll warm up the crowd for ya (grins!) thanks for leading the way on uStream. See you later today.
On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Matt Stevens <mattstevensguitar@btinternet.com> wrote: Awesome - see you tomorrow Jim - i'm on an hour later if anyone wants to watch me acoustic loop noodles http://www.ustream.tv/channel/Matt-Stevens-From-The-Box-Room
I love ustream
Ta On 8 Aug 2009, at 19:45, Jim Goodin wrote: Just a reminder that as a special feature tomorrow on my uStream series Sunday Morning at 11, my duo East of Where with drummer/percussionist/found sound musician Will Romano, will be live at 2pm EST. This is a later schedule for the series due to time and logistics tomorrow, we'll be broadcasting from Will's house in Mastic NY.
Thanks and good weekend, Will and I hope to see you connect with us tomorrow at 2pm EST.
-- ReUse, an introspective textural aural www.myspace.com/CtReUse music links... www.jimgoodinmusic.com www.chinapaintingmusic.com www.myspace.com/jimgoodinmusic www.myspace.com/chinapaintingmusic www.myspace.com/jimgoodinviolinelectro www.myspace.com/jindream www.youtube.com/jimgoodinmusic
video work/editing... www.vimeo.com/jimgoodindigital
social networking... www.twitter.com/jimgoodinmusic