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Howdy, I do believe that Tommy Iomi of Black Sabbath used that tuning(down to D) to achieve his signature sound. Rig --- On Fri, 9/4/09, scott hansen <> wrote: > From: scott hansen <> > Subject: out of tune loops > To: > Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 1:00 PM > funny > little moment this am before work: > > i finished my newest guitar 2 days ago, and i still > haven't gotten around to setting the intonation on it, > strings are floppy, tuned a whole step low (to D), i was > playing something, just sparse single string things and > sliding into them, and for some reason it reminded me of the > low-fi sort of garage rock things played w/ cheapo guitars, > and i loop about 3 passages of the little riff, and then > started playing over it, then i reverse it, and i do this > for probably about 5 min. it sounded cool, but i didn't > record it (i need to set up some mics in my studio!). > when i finished i realized that i couldn't play any > chords, b/c they would sound out of tune, but then i > realized that i've been playing like this for 2 days > now...and the sad thing is it still sounds like me, and it > doesn't sound that much different when > i think i'm in maybe i'm regressing or > something.... > it was sort of a weird realization this am... > had to share... > happy looping. > s---- > > > > > >