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Re: MIDI foot controllers

On 3 Sep 2009, at 08:19, andy butler wrote:


> I find that any time I need to hold down a button in the top row I

> tend to hit the bottom row.

> It's something that's a real problem at gigs.

> (not a problem with fcb1010, where the buttons lend enough support to

> rest the toe without pressing).


Steve B wrote:

I have to steady myself with my other foot (even though I'm sitting down anyway)! Slightly awkward, but I'm used to it now. Other than that I find it [Gordius LG] a great unit, particularly in terms of size and weight. The FCB1010 is a pain when travelling a lot!


 Actually Andy and Steve, what solved this problem for me was mounting the gordius on an angled pedal board surface, in my case I put it on a pedal train pro aluminum frame board, not exactly flight worthy but not overly heavy for land travel. But any angled surface will work even a ply wood one you made your self. It doesn’t completely eradicate the issue but it helps a lot.



PS Hey Steve isn’t resampling grand?  Two looper (in series) is always better than one J