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re: A new piece of music... seriously was.....

This is really hip Anders.

It's interestingly synchronous to me, as well, because
I've been on a jag listening to both Ali and Vieux Farka Toure as well
as a bunch of really early Delta Blues and realizing how primal and 
the blues can be when it's not associated with the typical commercial 
blues club and
blues jam kinds of things that are so ubiquitous (and which bore me, 

Just yesterday I was experimenting with a Malian-esque piece on baritone 
ukulele of all things.
Through a little bit of overdrive it actually sounded killer.

The cool thing is that you really capture this primal quality in this 
I really like it a lot.

I wish I had tons of money.  I'd love to just fly you over here to play 
it for us at the loopfestival.
The recession has just killed us out here in Northern California, though 
(probably everywhere, too)
so we're dependent on people managing to come on their own dime.

You have a standing invite to perform at the festival if you can ever 
make it in the 3rd week of October.