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RE: OT: Got the Wavedrum WD-X - and it rocks!

Hi there,

the HPD 15 only has one conventional crash  cymbal, but it can be pitched muted and its brightness controlled very well the HPD 10 has 2 to choose from but with less tonal alterations available over all i would say the "kits " on the hpd15 are marginly LESS convicing then the ones available on the hpd10 but the reverse is true of the more ethnic sounds in which the 15 wins hands down.

thats why i own them both lol

as far as realisim within a mix, i would have to leave that for someone with more learnered ears then mine...does it sound GOOD yes.. is it a brilliant pallette for composition YES DEFFO..realistic, im not sure.

the only weak area I AM sure of in EVERY electronic kit i have ever played is the toms!!!!

WHY WHY WHY cant anyone EVER get a realistic tom sound?

infact one of the edits i really need to work on on the wavedrum is getting a decent realistically dynamic tom tom sound.

if you have managed to create on, let me know!!!

as for the octa and the DX Multi, I live in the cultural wasteland of Yorkshire so i havent even glimpsed one yet, but as soon as I do , you can bet I will let you know if its good enough and differant enough to add into my collection (the multisample idea sounds great)


> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 18:41:54 +0200
> From: buzap@gmx.net
> Subject: Re: OT: Got the Wavedrum WD-X - and it rocks!
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Hi Phillip
> > I own a HPD 10 HPD15 and Wavedrum
> Would you say that an HPD 10 or HPD15 is able to pull of a realistic drum kit (possibly layered in loops), esp. cymbals & hihat?
> Or would you need something more like the Roland Octapad or Yamaha DXmulti12 for this?
> best regards
> Buzap
> PS: happy to see all the Wavedrum users here. Yeah, the rim could have offered a bit better playability. Ring on a finger really sounds great, though.
> Feel free to share your favorite patch settings with me as PM :)
> --
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