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Re: How big is your mac? (and other computer looping questions)

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Stephen Goodman
<spgoodman@earthlight.net> wrote:
> Actually I've been using a PC quite well to record and edit my work since
> 1996.  Have the Macs caught up then? :)

Funnily -96 was about the time when Windows dependent machines caught
up,  and transcended, Apple pc's (after Atari died Mac was the only
solution for music). - 98 I personally switched my macs for win boxes
in order to take advantage of the new processor technology by Intel.
With the G5 processor Apple actually caught up (was that 2002?) and I
picked up a mac because the available Mac music software was a tool
better suited for my work. Today though, I would say that the hardware
doesn't count much at all since both systems use the Intel stuff that
is so good for music applications. Choice of system is today more than
ever simply a question of what tools you think you need in your work.
I use to recommend Apple though, since they can today be used for both
Windows and Mac - why not keep all creative options handy! You never
know when you may need a particular application and it sucks to find
out that it can't run on the hardware you have access to.

To answer the subject line question: My main Mac is 324 mm.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.looproom.com internet music hub