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re: Questions regarding Gordius LG2 MIDI pedalboard

First off, I believe you need to use the editor librarian to program  
the ext switch functions. I may be wrong.  Andy? care to chime in? If  
Xavier's lurking he will tell you or shoot him an e-mail. Are you  
talking about all 4 inputs on the back  including the expression  
pedals ,or just the two dedicated to  switch functions? I had Xavier's  
help and I just downloaded his presets initially but since that time  
have done all my bank creation using the editor, way easier to deal  
with. What I did was give the external switches sequential PC numbers,  
so bank 1 would have the two extra switch ports assigned to midi PC's  
#11 and #12, bank 2 would be #23 and #24, etc, as I wanted to have all  
my banks have 12 accessable commands + 2  global expression pedals one  
for feedback and one for volume that don't change from bank to bank
lastly, I had a night of living hell initially trying to navigate the  
machine  from the front panel so do yourself a favor get the editor  
librarian going, plug in the usb port and git er done!