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Re: TouchOSC / Bidule / Plugins HELP...!

 <mark@markfrancombe.com> wrote:
> Finally got Touch OSC and Audio mulch working flawlessly together...

Dammit Mark, you won! Would you please mind helping out us less brain
powered creatures by checking if you have the same IP address set
inside the iPhone's TouchOSC as inside the computer's "System
Preferences > Network" ?

No, I didnt go there, I used my sharing name.

For example, in System Prefs, under sharing, you generally have a name. Probably Pers Computer,  or MyMachine..

Mine is called topsecret (now Im not sure if this matters, or if it was a glitch, but it DIDNT WORK untill I closed the gap between top and secret.

Then in touchOSC under Network, I have topsecret:local
Click inside there and Port outgoing 8000 Port incoming 9000
Local ip address (this might be what you are referring to Per???) assigned itself automatically, and no.. its doesn't seem to be the same. But then I have 2 routers in between my Airport Express and my computer, maybe it doesnt show up correctly (out of my knowledge here really)

But I know when its working, because when I fire ip OSCulator,  in TouchOSC on the iPhone, below the ipaddress fiels appears a new entry that says
topsecret:8000 (OSCulator).

then Sim said

One question I have - how do you set up an xy pad when the editor only allows you to enter one osc adress? I thought there would be two - one for the x parameter and one for the y?


OK I havent even D/led the editor fr Touch OSC yet. Im doing everything inOSCulator.

One you have a connection to OSCulator, numbers appear in its window.
if you load up a Layout on Touch (try Simple) then find the Simple layout in the Osculator folder,  this is just a premade map. you can of course make your own, but for now, you dont need to.
Now when you move your finger on the XY layout on Simple, you can see the entry 3/xy light up. This entry has a turn down triangle. click it and you see 2 entries. 1 and 0.

1 is X and 0 is Y.

Now you go into your host, or whatever you wanna control (AM for me) make sure Osculator is showing up as a midi in. then midi learn the things you want to teach. How to do this will differ. but...

The xy WILL response BOTH ways when you move it, so WHile you do you learn, you must temporarily turn off one OSC stream. (Making up terminology here.. hope you get it)

In Audio Mulch there is the Meta Surface... (beginning to think I should make a tutorial video on this...)
I go to Parameter Control select the X of the metasurface, then in Osculator TURN OFF THE Y DIRECTION (thats 0) AND click learn in AudioMulch... then I move my finger on the iPhone... it learns X. then I selct Y in AudioMulch Metasurface, turn off X in OSCulator and hit learn in Mulch... and do a learn...


Im home today, so if theres any interest in it I can do a screenshot video for ya...

Sim also said:

>You should be able to set up a network without a router, I think...?

So how do I set up a network just between my computer and my phone?

> One thing to think about howver... this is working on Wifi right? How can
> you be sure to HAVE a wifi connection at your gig?

I've been thinking about that too and decided to solve it by bringing
my Airport Express.

YIKES NOOoooo.. Im trying to SIMPLIFY my system, not complicated it.. Per...  you know what?
You could get your computer, and fadefox and iphone and ipad and put it all in a 19" rack unit...?

um.. er.. wait... a minute..

mark francombe
twitter @markfrancombe