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Re: should musicians have a second job?

If I might be my worst own devil's advocate here for a moment and shed a meagre lumen or two on the flip side of the pursuit of "Art" it as it were, I have these contradicory and conflicting thoughts to throw out to you all as well.

When we get to where we're going as a civilization, will we know how to simply be? If we have so completely set our highest personal and creative goals to be iconoclasts, rebels, individuals, mavericks, self-defined, self-actualized and self-created whatevers - constantly pushing against all known boundaries and any sense of norm or tabu - what will happen when we come to a time that is entirely without them? Will that be heaven? Or will that be hell? Of what use will be concepts like, empathy, kindness, human warmth, or decency in such a world? Indeed, what will be especially human about it at all, except probably the advanced technolgy?

These are the things that I think about when I think about what I think (LOL).

Happy trails!
