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GigSpam: ALTAAR tonight Silent Barn Brooklyn

If any of you live in Brooklyn? well, can I come and stay...? No.. I
mean... My very good Norsk friend Sten Ove, is playing tonight at
Silent Barn. All I can say , is that his band ALTAAR are far from
silent... Its called SYØY in Norwegian.. look it up!

I can promise guitars played very loud, and Sten Oves prefered playing
position is on his knees, head buried deep in effect pedals... its
Death Jazz... the new thing here in Norway.

As for if its got anything to do with looping, well no... but he is
the booker for Blå in Oslo, best Experimental gig here, so if you want
a gig, its him you must be nice to!

He is alot of fun, I once saw him play a gig dressed as a tree.
Heres my interview with him in Furthernoise webzine

Mark Francombe
twitter @markfrancombe