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Re: new loop strategy

Masterful, as usual, Bill.

On Apr 4, 2011, at 6:18 PM, William Walker wrote:

>   For the last few months I have been trying to get more comfortable  
> with creating ABC (and sometimes D) song forms, with the LP-1  
> running in version 1.37,  and recently discovered that i could not  
> only further explore the scripts for running tracks end to end that  
> create these  more conventional song forms, but the same could be  
> done with groups of tracks so that i could for instance, create a  
> track or tracks of rhythmic beat box style loops that would  
> continued to play as I switched between my A B C (and sometimes D)  
> sections. The only issue with all of this non- automated track and  
> group tracks  creation is it takes time to develop ( this one is  
> almost 10 minutes), which has been what I've been working on, the  
> flow to create a spontaneous song form from scratch. I created 4  
> presets on my Gordius LG that toggle between  tracks 1,2,3, and 4,  
> and i also created 4 presets that select groups 1,2,3 and 4, with  
> each group including the afore mentioned individual tracks + tracks  
> 5 thru 8 which is where I record my rhythm tracks or melody ideas  
> that I want to continue to play as I change sections. The original  
> scripts were perfected by either Steve Lawson or Bob himself, i  
> can't recall but here they are along with instructions on how to use  
> them as well as my new group variations. A little something  to  
> those of you still using an Lp-1. And though it drags at times, has  
> a few pitch problems and the dreaded midi foot controller crickets,  
> this spontaneous improv on the acoustic lap steel shows me creating  
> 4 tracks (ABCD sections) and a couple of beat box tracks. For the  
> gear heads I'm sending a Duncan Mag mic sound hole pickup in to a  
> Keeley compressor and an Xotic ep-1 to a splitter box with one side  
> going to an ethos preamp,  an eventide timefactor, a tc nova reverb  
> running both channels  of a Dtar solstice preamp and my  
> Looperlative. The other side is sent to my normal gig pedal board   
> with  the  M-9 set for volume swell echo feeding a Princeton Reverb  
> and a vox AC 10. Both sides are running in to a MOTU 2408 feeding  
> KRK 8 inch  monitors.  I really like the way the notes bloom if i  
> hold them courtesy of the M-9's swell delay , and the timefactor  
> handles  hold and feedback features better than any delay I've  
> owned. I wasn't using any overdrive  but the mag mic is excellent at  
> handling it as long as you don't turn up the mic part:-). The Zoom  
> Q3 was recording it,  warts and all.
> here is the Youtube link:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE6eydQyHGg
>  Enjoy
>  Bill
>  and the  looperlative scripts:
> You will need to initiate the first loop (track 1) from a standard  
> record/overdub, or sync record / overdub preset . I always use sync  
> record/ overdub and play/stop now , for what its worth. I suggest  
> having both those presets in addition to the following long script  
> presets available on a bank of presets.  here are the other long  
> script presets you will need:
> a preset with the following commands:
> select track 1, cue track , except track, stop, select track 1
> a preset with the following commands:
> select track 2, cue track, except track, stop, select track 2
> a preset with the following commands:
> select track 3, cue track, except track, stop, select track 3
> a preset with the following commands:
> select track 4, cue track, except track, stop, select track 4
> this would give you the ability to create 4 part song forms that you  
> could toggle between once you have each section created.
>  Here is how you build your track. select track one and use sync  
> record/ over dub to create a track ( the verse section of a tune for  
> example) You have to end recording the first track (loop) as you  
> would normally, by hitting either a play/stop preset or a record  
> preset again.  You   begin recording the next section by hitting the  
> select track 2  long script preset, which you can do before track 1  
> completes its cycle,  as soon as track one ends recording will begin  
> on track 2, so at this point you have to be careful of your timing  
> coming in to the track. To end the track,  you can either press sync  
> record again or play stop or the preset with the script for track 1  
> which will return you to that track.  repeat the procedure to record  
> the other tracks. after all are created then you can simply toggle  
> between them by hitting the long script presets for each track. No  
> bear in mind I'm doing groove oriented stuff but these scripts work  
> just as well for ambient stuff as well.
> I think you will need version1.37 for this to work.
>  These long script track presets also work for group select commands  
> as well but not to initiate a recording function, only to toggle  
> between groups. I use these scripts when I want to have a beat box  
> track going while I switch between other tracks, in this case my  
> group 1 will include track 1 as well as track 8 which I use as my  
> beat box track. group 2 will use track 2 and track 8,  group 3 is  
> track 3 and 8, etc....
> the long script for group selects are the same as above substituting  
> group for track.
> example:
> group 1 cue track except track stop group 1