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i Think using audio recordings of vinyl crackles gives the best
effect. ( you dont really want to destroy the tone of
your mux do you, just add enough to give feeling. Unless you are doing
some foley work or concept piece. i for example often add a few
crackles to a loop from my alesis airFX. which has a terrible vinyl
emulation, not for authentic antique recording, but just to make some
random clicky additions to the rythym.
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On 1 Dec 2011, at 09:04, Louie Angulo <> wrote:
> ive been looking for a cool vinyl emulation AU plugin to simulate
> vinyl static noise and dirt,izotopes vinyl is cool but is not working
> under OSX Lion
> any other suggestions?
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Gareth Whittock
> <> wrote:
>> Not my work but these may be of use to some of you guys..
>> Peace
>> G
> --