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Re: OT Laptop recommendation needed

If you get a firewire card for a laptop, you are probably going to have to 
power it externally.


On Mar 1, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Raül Bonell wrote:

> Yes. I did buy a PC laptop for a friend this past winter & couldn't
> find any windows notebook with firewire, just on macs.
> 2012/3/1, Dean, Hal <HDean@wcupa.edu>:
>> Just a quick word about laptops and firewire - the range of laptops (or
>> desktops for that matter) that have integrated firewire, out of the 
>> box, was
>> small and getting smaller, as of my research about 6 mos. ago.
>> I am a little leery of firewire by card but maybe that isn't merited by 
>> the
>> facts.
>> Hal Dean
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Per Boysen [mailto:perboysen@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 2:11 PM
>> To: Loopers-Delight
>> Subject: Re: OT Laptop recommendation needed
>> I assume he wants to record at least eight inputs simultaneously?
>> That's something any modern computer would manage, given the audio 
>> interface
>> offers so many inputs. I never need to record that many simultaneous 
>> inputs
>> but I spend some time around in studios and a lot of them use the RME
>> Fireface 800 and tell me they love it.
>> Regarding operative system it seems Windows 7 may bring back Microsoft 
>> into
>> the game again. Windows XP was good for audio but with Vista many users
>> complain with less stable audio functionality.
>> Myself I use only Apple pc's these days. Back when I used to run 
>> Windows on
>> my live concert laptops - because Mobius wasn't available on Mac OS - I
>> still kept an Apple box for studio recordings. I have two reasons for 
>> that
>> choice. One is that it that it is such a standardized platform, with the
>> same company developing the OS and manufacturing the hardware, so you 
>> can
>> always find an Apple certified repair service that can fix issues right
>> away. I mean, the inside of a Mac always corresponds to the 
>> specifications
>> regarding the model. My other reason is that I produce a lot of 
>> recordings
>> where I kind of compose as part of the production process and for this I
>> haven't found a better software than Logic, and Logic does only run 
>> under
>> Apple's OS. But if your friend is thinking about using Cubase I guess my
>> advice isn't totally relevant.
>> Regarding the question about USB and Firewire we have talked about this 
>> a
>> lot on this list in the past. Firewire is better in the way that it is
>> reliable all the way up to the very last bit of capacity.
>> USB may get flickery with increasing traffic. But with a moderate data
>> traffic USB does just fine. I use both here and have not yet run into 
>> the
>> dangerous zone of USB. For recording of eight and more simultaneous 
>> inputs
>> Firewire is recommendable. It's also good to record to an external 
>> drive.
>> Greetings from Sweden
>> Per Boysen
>> www.perboysen.com
>> http://www.youtube.com/perboysen
>> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Stephen Goodman 
>> <spgoodman@earthlight.net>
>> wrote:
>>> I’m following this one as well, since I’ll be shopping up a laptop to
>>> combine with The Rack Unit when I get back to the US.
>>> From: Michael Peters
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 5:06 PM
>>> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>>> Subject: OT Laptop recommendation needed
>>> I need a recommendation (for a friend) for a laptop/soundcard
>>> combination that can run Cubase and easily record 8 concurrent tracks.
>>> That friend of mine (livelooping guitarist Michael Frank, some of you
>>> might know him) needs to buy a laptop for music lessons and recording
>>> at school (he is a music
>>> teacher) and wonders what he should get. He has a budget of 2500 Euros
>>> which is plenty I think, but what should he buy (laptop hardware,
>>> sound card, software)?
>>> He is familiar with Windows and because Windows is generally cheaper
>>> than Macs, we thought a Windows laptop (Windows7 64bit) is the way to
>>> go, but if there is good reason to buy a Mac, maybe he would consider 
>>> that
>>> too.
>>> The laptop/soundcard should be able to easily record at least 8 tracks
>>> concurrently. Which soundcard is best suited (somebody suggested a
>>> Focusrite
>>> 8 channel card)? Is that something all current laptops can do,
>>> speed-wise, or does it already require a very fast harddisk? USB or
>>> Firewire?
>>> The package would also include a version of Cubase (which one?), a DVD
>>> burner, and a beamer.
>>> thanks bunches -Michael
> -- 
> .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
> Your moral values are meaningless, artificial constructs. For your 
> imagination,
> they provide you a falsely superior position in your social group.
> For the strong, they provide a means by which you are easily manipulated.
> In reality, they serve the entertainment needs of others.
> In the Kimatorium, they are irrelevant.
> Kim Flint
> .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
> raulbonell.tumblr.com - collective.com