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Hello! As you know, we post a lot of recommended listening threads regarding albums full of loops, whether they be live loops or studio pop music loops; if there's a loop on every ... single ... song, we think it's worth mentioning. Well, this album happens to contain live looping. You may remember Tim Exile from three years ago, opening for Imogen Heap for the North American tour, when Imogen's Ellipse CD came out. Well, Tim Exile, the live looper and remixer, has been doing looping and mixing for many years. Well, back in 2006, he did an album called Tim Exile's Nuissance Gabbaret Lounge (it was called Gabbaret because of the Gabba software system he used). I must warn you, the album contains some profanity. At one point in the album, Exile makes a strange beat-boxing sound, and, 1 1/2 seconds later, you hear the sound repeated in loop patterns. Sometimes, he will improvise, using special software. Tim Exile's Nuissance Gabbaret Lounge; recommended for every looper; sample it on or, whatever's more accessible for you. Tyler Z