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There isn't really any overlap between my day-to-day programming activities and audio (DSP) applications. While programs contain loops, the word "loop" generally suggests a bug: a program trapped in an infinite loop (not good). In fact, the (TPF) operating system sets a timer everytime it passes control to an application. If the timer counts down to zero and the program is still in control (has not completed nor issued an SVC (supervisor call) instruction), the system aborts the program and reports an error. How much time? Just a few milliseconds! (One of the fun things about working with large mainframes -- they are really fast!)
I think though that this drives my interest in analog/hardware-based music. Since I spend all day at a computer I kind of want a break when I'm on my own time.
-- Kevin Quoting Tyler <>:
Hello! Here is a question for you programmers who are also loopers. Have you ever been in a situation where the term "loop" in computer programming and the term "loop" in sound technology met? Loop programmingcontrolling a sound loop, for example? Tyler Z