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I love this topic. That is all.
On Aug 20, 2012 5:48 PM, "Revfever" <> wrote:
> Personal Philosophy (aka-rant) Dept:
> Words of any kind have never really affected me all thatmuch, for better or worse, public or private. Or, at least I try to not let them do so, except for whenever words are used specifically and only for the purposes of unfairly and unjustifiably attacking or denigrating, or hurting someone or something, or to deceive or to be dishonest etc, whether those words were also laced with profanities, or not. (Most politicians, especially Rethuglicans with their "values!" blah blah blah, are real "adept" and very experienced at doing this.)
> It's only the intent and purpose that are important and if anyone gets "offended" by something...(wait for comes the Zen) is only themselves that are allowing that to happen.
> Better to just rise above the occasion and move on, at least in most cases.
> For me personally, I just do not believe in being too hyper-sensitive and overly PC, and that too is only my personal opinion and viewpoint. But, that is also not a "license" to be some jackass and to make a calculated effort to try to "offend" someone, especially for only the purposes of doing so. However, I also think that trying to always be whatever(?) "perfect"
> and / or "correct" etc are, can also have the possibility to eventually make someone nuts, or at least be way too much wound up inside too often, and that really cannot be to anyone's personal overall health benefit, IMO, along with how it may also resonate with others. I've encountered enough overly PC etc people before thru out the years and usually I ended up with having to get as far away from most of them as possible, even if their intentions may have been well placed (or perceived to be so?) at the time. Anyone can overdo anything,
> for the better or for the worse. Trying to maintain Balance (along with personal sanity) here is at least one of the keys, IMO.
> It's also just not how the Real World exists or operates and I certainly do not support any kind of suppression of speech of any kind in whatever way someone else chooses to express themselves or their opinions, etc, good or not so. That's them saying it and not me, and often, allowing someone to freely express themselves, for better or worse, can give a more clearer picture of that person's overall personality...or at least to maybe some degree. I'd rather have even an "opaque" picture of someone than one that was more kept in the dark.
> If ever there's something that pops up that may bother me, I usually just hit "delete" or change the channel etc and move on and try to not allow it harsh my mellow for the day,
> depending on what it is, of course. There are also sometimes some things that can even get my personal goat and cause a sour reaction within myself, but those are usually pretty rare
> and I try to let (or make) them pass as soon as possible....if possible.
> But ultimately, there are simply FAR MORE bigger and much more important, and also better things to focus on in today's crazy world here on Big Mama Earth.
> Just my Jefferson head nickel's worth :-)
> Cheers-
> Rev.Fever
> Portlandia
> On Aug 20, 2012, at 12:31 PM, bill bigrig wrote:
>> I have to go with Tyler on this one. I use plenty of profanity in day-to-day conversation, but on a public forum? It really isn't necessary. As people used to say about R.G. Letourneau, "that man can cuss me out harder than any man I know, and not say a single cuss word while doing it". It just seems to reflect a higher level of "musical integrity" by not stooping to profanity. My $.02 worth.
>> Rig
>> ________________________________
>> From: Phil Clevenger <>
>> To: Tyler <>
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 12:24 PM
>> Subject: Re: Looper's Delight offensive language policy (not)
>> Tyler I'm not an old timer here but in my opinion there are no bad words, only bad communication. I would tell my own son to make his own choices, communicate effectively, and try not to worry about the choices of others :)
>> Policy on the board may differ...
>> Phil :)
>> On Aug 20, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Tyler wrote:
>> > Hello! I don't know if anyone has ever paid attention to this, but have you seen how many people have gotten
>> > away with swear words on this forum? I remember when we were having a thread about why
>> > was so out-of-date, but the forum part was as lively as heck. Someone used the
>> > F word "Why does everything have to be so f***ing up-to-date?" (I censored the word out so I
>> > don't have a bad track-record on this mailing list). And I read the help file (the one that you see
>> > when you send an invalid command to the subscription server), and even THAT file had some (yet very mild)
>> > language toward the end. Now, I've seen bad language in forums, and if I would have signed up
>> > five years ago, I would be long gone by now; I'm less sensitive. But this site is where
>> > musicians can communicate with each other, and talk about electronic music technology, share
>> > links, write articles about their technology ... but randomly putting the F word in the middle of an
>> > article about Mobius? I'm confused! In the days of Kim, would he get upset when someone used a
>> > word like that?
>> > Tyler Z
>> >