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Re: Fripp news

That’s a matter of choice.  I’ve been thinking a lot about whether ‘touring’ is a leftover construct of an old business model forced upon performers by the big music companies, promoting the music created by artists, but providing not a heck of a lot of income to them.  On many levels this just keeps the performer busy, while someone else reaps the rewards the performers deserve... and guaranteeing a continued existence for dinosaurs to continue deal with material produced by others.  I’m not sure I want to cooperate with such an idea myself.  I don’t understand why anyone but a gearhead would be interested in watching me twiddle settings and performing as such.  My definition of the art involves using video works that accompany my music; I think it’s more interesting and most importantly it’s my art, which compromises to nothing but broadband speed, my own time, and equipment maintenance.  I’m sure many folks on this list enjoy the process of live performance, but you have to include the elements of takedown-setup, stolen-damaged instruments and equipment, iffy venues and operators, lots of schlepping it all around, questionable nutrition and the inevitable dealing with people who just want to make money off you.  It doesn’t balance out for me on any level, and stinks of an old business model that only works for a select few who must fill stadiums in order to break even, and charge the people who come to see them criminal amounts of money for a ticket. I think the old business model’s been dead a few years already.  We DON’T have to follow it any more in order to produce, record, or sell our own material.  But that’s just the opinion of someone who’s gotten a new start in life, and can’t afford at 55 to mess with ‘touring’ as such.
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 1:33 AM
Subject: RE: Fripp news
So he's giving up making music today over the release of music he made decades ago. 
Many of artists work for little or no financial reward because that is their raison d'etre.
Seems odd to me.

Gareth Whittock, sound artist: garethwhittock.co.uk

> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> From: revfever@ubergadget.com
> Subject: Fripp news
> Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 20:40:28 -0700
> Intense. But, I'll wager he will back to making music after a certain
> period of time. How could someone like him not do so? :-)
> http://www.dprp.net/wp/?p=7155
> Cheers-
> Rev.Fever
> Portlandia
> http://www.spiritone.com/~rvfever
> http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/elemental1
> http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/elemental2
> http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/skult