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Don't just transfer data. Find out what the mutual interchange format is and export as a file of that format. Move the file to the next computer and import it into that system's email client. I did this a lot a decade ago, when running Office for email under Windows. But I don't remember the formats (maybe they was called ".pst"?). Maybe such a simple thing as an Excel document (.xls for Windows, best handled by Numbers on a Mac) will well contain the data for the transfer? I remember you used Gmail in the past. Did you stop doing that? Doubling up by piping downloaded emails through Gmail is a sort of "cloud backup". Maybe the correspondance has copies in Gmail? Then you can download what you want on the local Windows disc from there. Greetings from Sweden Per Boysen On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Rick Walker <> wrote: > I have a 5 year old MacBook Pro that is really starting to fall apart on > me. > > I've faithfully used to back it up but it's looking like it's time to > jump > ship and get > a new laptop. > > My problem is that all of the Y2K12 Loopfestival Data is all in my > Mozilla > Thunderbird email client > installed on OS X and I"m having fits trying to move that data over to my > WIN 7 quad core desktop > computer. > > I have the MBP stuff backed up on my TIME MACHINE external harddrive > but my > PC running WIN 7 won't recognize the data (USB 2.0 connection). > > Neither will the MBP let me migrate the data to my WIN 7 backup portable > Hard Drives (I understand > that the Fat 32 system will not recognize the NTFC or NTSC file systems. > (spelling?). > I can transfer files from the WIN machine to the OS X, but I can't going > the > other direction which > is the problem. > > Can anyone recommend to me how I can get my 14 gigs of backup e-mail > data, > email profiles and, most importantly, my email addresses from the MBP to > the WIN 7 machine. > > I downloaded the proper import/export tool as an add on to both the MBP > and > WIN 7 versions > of Mozilla Thunderbird, but just can't figure out how to get the data > from > one computer to the next. > > Thanks for you help.................I'm very nervous about getting this > data > transferred before my > MBP finally bites the dust. > > yours, Rick Walker >