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Ricoloop (WAS: looped BEER bootle, samplewiz and octatrack)

Very delicate intimate work Anders :)
The first time I have seen somebody looping with a bottle it was him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0NBNRae_fo
Here in a more techno version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YNnSEZ4p8U
Searching for his videos I have found this, also interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9fsi2pO-a8


From: teddy@teddyjam.com
Subject: Re: Maximus (looped BEER bootle, samplewiz and octatrack)
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 22:19:43 -0500
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com




On Nov 23, 2012, at 7:34 AM, Anders Bergdahl wrote:

Teddy, I didn't :-) I just recorded me blowing the bottle while tapping on it with the iPad directly into Samplewiz. Connected the audio out from Ipad to audio in on Octatrack.. started to play the sample on the iPad, recording that audio on the Octatrack with the looping engine and while doing that manipulating the Octatrack so that part of the re-sampled sample was played on flex machines with chromatic trigs and a lot of other manipulation,.. 

From: teddy@teddyjam.com
Subject: Re: Maximus (looped BEER bootle, samplewiz and octatrack)
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 23:32:14 -0500
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com


how are you gett audio and midi in and out of your ipad?


On Nov 22, 2012, at 6:22 PM, Anders Bergdahl wrote:

A empty bottle of Lagunitas Maximus IPA, Octatrack and Samplwiz on iPad.. live improvisation... 
Blowing and tapping the bottle after consuming the content, sample and replay on Samplewiz which is resampled and manipulated by the Octatrack.. all sounds expect drums is the empty bottle sampled and resampled.. "live"..
Samplewiz i a rather cool app, if you replay the sample at higher pitch it plays it quicker, with low pich slower, and you can make i sweep first forward and then backward.. so that it plays a high pitch version of the sample many timed while a low pitch fewer times. so to say..
For example replayed one octave above original pitch it plays the whole sample twice as fast... and so on..