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Re: interesting controller/Ableton Push

I'll be sure to let you all know when I get it ... in about three months!

--On 07 March 2013 14:48 +0100 Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey everybody, a big hand for Phil - the pioneering pusher on this
mailing list! :-)  Looking forward to hear about your first

If I had the money I too would pick one up right now on the intro deal.


On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Philip Conway
<Philip.Conway@bristol.ac.uk> wrote:
I pre-ordered Push yesterday.  It's a sizable lump of money for a
controller - especially one that I haven't been able to try out first
hand - but I couldn't resist the introductory offer.  It'll be here in
just 12-14 weeks!...

I'm quite excited about its potential as an instrument.  One appealing
thing is that, if the early reviews are to be believed, it is very well
made and feels heavy and solid.  This is no small thing for a musical
instrument. It's much easier to 'lose yourself' and get into 'the zone',
as they say, if you're playing something that just feels solid and high
quality, rather than flimsy and plasticy.  And, for me, whether or not
you can 'lose yourself' in an instrument is ultimately the marker of
whether it's any good or not.

In many ways Push makes much more sense than a traditional keyboard for
performing and composing electronic music since it allows any scalar
mapping of notes and makes that mapping intuitive by providing visual
feedback.  In this way it seems to let the player find relationships
between notes and sounds that don't rigidly adhere to the c-major scale
structure of the piano-style keyboard.

This is how it should be for electronic music, which is not being
limited to the physical mechanisms of objects like the piano.  The piano
keyboard was an elegant invention but it resulted to some degree from
the physical requirements of whacking strings with little hammers.
Electronic music is completely free from such physical connections but,
with some expensive exceptions (e.g. the Haken Continuum), instrument or
interface design has lagged a long way behind what programmers and sound
designers have achieved.

Push looks like a step in the right direction in that respect.  It's not
revolutionary in concept but it appears to have been very well done - at
least I hope so!


--On 07 March 2013 12:15 +0100 Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:36 AM, michael noble <looplog@gmail.com> wrote:


Anyone know anything more about this company or the controller?

Looks cool, like a "piano submarine" :-)  A little thin on information
that page, isn't it? From the video it seems as notes are located in
linear way, similar to a piano?

I must say I'm more intrigued by Ableton's new instrument Push, due to
its non linear location of notes. The chromatic scale layout on Push
is based on rows differing by a fourths and this creates what to me
seems to very playable note locations. In fact, the hand patterns are
the same as if tapping a fourths tuned fretted string instrument.
Another aspect I like with the Push is that some notes appear at
several positions and can be played in unison but with different
attack/expression, this too in common with fretted string instruments.

I've been using an Akai EWI4000s for some years and think it is the
most (musically) expressive MIDI controller instruments I've come
across. Since it is based on breath control rather than
hitting-something-with-a-hand velocity it a challenge to program good
synth patches to play. I think Yamaha was great in the 80s with breath
control but since then not much product development seems to have
happend im this area. THat's odd, thinking about how a simple hose to
blow into increases the expressiveness of any simple keyboard.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen