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Re: OT: guitar conversion.

Everyone thanks for checking out.  For quite a while I was skeared to tackle for the proverbial fuckup ration of destroying kept putting a toe in the water and now I'm waste deep :)  My history is I initially I jumped in to my ebay fretless about a year ago and shaved the nut down quite a bit making it much more playable.  That went well.  Few months late decided I wanted to experiment making my mandolin fretless, that went well (videos about that on the channel), then I decided to convert  this Steinberger copy and dunked my head, so far that has gone well. 
Mark link should work but my channel where all these are is http://youtube.com/jimgoodinmusic.
Thanks for the comments and stories.  Per I knew you had gone the route and done a lot.  I think at one of the Y2K's I was fortunate to be at you had a fretless strat if memory serves me, was that one of your creations/experiments?
Rick that sounds really neat re the bass and actually the idea both you and Bill were speaking if I got it, reminds me of the Appalachian banjo concept where I believe the first 5 or 7 are fretless and the upper fretted.
Anyhow I'm jazzed to see how it comes out.  I suspect I will desire better electronics than I ordered but to basically get sound I got a generic single coil.  The neck right now feels great re the current sand level I have it at for fretless. 
I will say there is great therapy in sanding :)

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 9:04 AM, mark francombe <mark@markfrancombe.com> wrote:
Did this YT link work for everyone? Didnt for me?

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Jim Goodin <jimgoodinmusic@gmail.com> wrote:
What started as another 'fretted to fretless' of some of my low-if instruments has evolved to full rebuild and see what I come up with.  Some might be interested in the work which is midstream.  Documenting on my YouTube as I go.

3rd episode so far.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1765vCQuI0A&sns=em

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jimgoodin.com - 'Acoustic guitar renaissance, color blue, repetitive minimalism'
The Recordings of Wood and Wire Music - 'Organically inspired New Music'
From Brooklyn To Glindran, a new World/Free Jazz recording by Jim Goodin & Peter Thörn.  Proceeds from this CD will benefit JDRF International

Tips Across the Waters, a new app for iOS from James Goodin/Wood and Wire Ware.