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RE: akai remix 16 scsi interface

yeah , i'm right in front of laptop so, in fact the akai remix need an optional internal scsi adaptor ( item we must connect into the machine ) to have a plug for an scsi harddisk . It's not like mpc I think. By defaut the Remix 16 only have a floppy disk and nothing to connect something else. it  can be used without scsi but samples will be limited to 1.44 mb .

I don't know how look like nor wich type is the internal slot for the scsi optional plug.

Hope I have been clear; maybe you are french too, even if it's cool to use english for everybody...

on the photo you can see a blank vertical emplacement for the interface needed to connect scsi hd  (between ac 120 and  warning caution stickers)

thank you ,


A +

Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 07:51:40 -0400
Subject: Re: akai remix 16 scsi interface
From: sylvain.trombone@gmail.com
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com

I'm not familiar with the remix 16, but this device is a drop in replacement for a SCSI hard disk drive.  I use another model in an old PowerBook to replace a malfunctioning  40MB SCSI hard drive with 2GB of compact flash. 

If the remix16 needs a SCSI hard drive, this is what you need to replace the hard drive with a modern storage solution, which is what I understood from your original question.


On Sunday, March 16, 2014, Lau ' <vivreenpaixima@hotmail.fr> wrote:
Hi Sylvain, thanks for your reply, not sure to understand how this hardware is functionning and if it 's really working for all akai sampler, do you use it with remix 16 ?

Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:36:43 -0400
Subject: Re: akai remix 16 scsi interface
From: sylvain.trombone@gmail.com
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Lau ' <vivreenpaixima@hotmail.fr> wrote:
If you know other way to connect an scsi or something else

This is the best thing I've found to replace SCSI HDD: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/CF-AztecMonster-CF-3-5-SCSI-Converter-Card-for-Mac-AKAI-sampler-New-Condition-/301124442674?pt=US_Vintage_Computers_Mainframes&hash=item461c6a5a32&_uhb=1

I use their 2.5" version in an old Apple PowerBook.
