This index was assembled on a volunteer basis for a number of reasons:
To provide some information regarding who uses looping, where it is being done,
what gear is being used in the process, and what sorts of music it is utilized for;
and hopefully, to allow the handful of loopists in the world to better communicate
with one another about their craft.
Thanks are due to Kim Flint for instigating the Looper's Delight web site and mailing
list. Also due thanks are the members of the StickWire web page, whose efforts at
facilitating communication between fringe musicians helped to provide the inspiration
for this list. Finally, thanks to the musicians who were willing to share some insights
into themselves and their art.
-- Andre LaFosse
Originally edited and assembled by Andre LaFosse and Michael Peters,
from submissions on the Looper's Delight Internet Mailing List
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