My intention at my site, is to display my progress as a loop artist. Not to open my self for destructive criticism. HOWEVER, if you have any positive comments and/or suggestions about process, by all means please feel free to pass them along to me at They would be much appreciated! There are NO overdubs, nor are there any mastering enhancements such as compression etc ... and/or edits! You hear everything I did, the good with the bad!
I play BASS with my bare hands and an E-bow plus.
A KORG ES-1 Electribe S Rhythm Production Sampler accompanies my BASSES.
I just added an Ampeg BILLY SHEEHAN pre-amp, and am currently experimenting as to where it will go; I’ll update this section very soon…
For my current method of setup, I run my instrument into a Dimarzio brand cable. From the Dimarzio cable, into a BOSS TU-2 tuner. From the BOSS TU-2 tuner, into a Digitech “TALKER” From the Digitech “TALKER” into a MORLEY 'Little Alligator' volume pedal. From the MORLEY 'Little Alligator' volume pedal, I split the signal by way of a MORLEY ABY splitter. From the MORLEY ABY splitter, my signal takes two separate paths from here on out. For the rest of this description I will refer to them as the 'BASS' or 'LEFT' channel, and the 'Guitar' or 'RIGHT' channel.
'BASS' or 'LEFT' channel: From the MORLEY ABY splitter, into an EBS OctaBass pedal. From an EBS OctaBass pedal, into an EBS BASSiq pedal. From an EBS BASSiq pedal, into a MORLEY Dual Bass Wah Model PBA-2 From the MORLEY Dual Bass Wah Model PBA-2, into one Gibson EDP ECHOPLEX unit. From the Gibson EDP ECHOPLEX unit, into track 1 on a ROLAND VS-880. From the ROLAND VS-880, into the Stewart 2.1 power amp From the Stewart 2.1 power amp, into the other AccuGroove “El Whappo.” From the AccuGroove “El Whappo,” into your ears and your chest!
'Guitar' or 'RIGHT' channel: From the MORLEY ABY splitter, into a Digitech Whammy pedal. From the Digitech Whammy pedal, into another MORLEY ABY splitter. (I run the direct out into 'A' and the 'wet' out into 'B') From the MORLEY ABY splitter, into a MORLEY pro series II Distortion/Wah/Volume Model PDW-II. From the MORLEY Distortion/Wah/Volume, into another Gibson EDP ECHOPLEX unit. From the Gibson EDP ECHOPLEX unit, into track 2 on the ROLAND VS-880. From the ROLAND VS-880, into the Stewart 2.1 power amp From the Stewart 2.1 power amp, into the other AccuGroove “El Whappo.” From the AccuGroove “El Whappo,” into your other ears and your other chest!
My set up and order of how things plug in changes often, but this was how I did it when this section was written...