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To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
From: pycraft@elec.gla.ac.uk (Dr M. P. Hughes)
Subject: RE: Bob's steroidal JamMan implant
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>The A-D converter (input) on JamMan is mono while the D-A (output)   
>converter is stereo so all loops are recorded in mono.

This surprises me - why were stereo DACs included when only one is used? 
Was this upgrade planned, or is it because the JamMan shares gubbins with
mono-in /stereo out processors?  

>> You also said the Vortex
>> design team weren't planning a MIDI upgrade for this most essential   
>> piece of kit.  Can they be persuaded...?
>It's pretty unlikely but I'll keep you posted.

I think there's probably some demand 'round these parts.....


Dr Michael Pycraft Hughes      Bioelectronic Research Centre, Rankine Bldg,
Tel: (+44) 141 330 5979        University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, U.K.
    "Wha's like us?  Damn few, and they're a' deid!" - Scottish proverb