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Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 11:30:23 -0500 (CDT)
From: Kim Corbet <kcorbet@post.cis.smu.edu>
Subject: Re: Klein Electric Guitar
To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
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> >>>Strummed acoustically it is
> >>>quite loud, like a 335. The resonance chamber does that for you.

> >Well, I'm hardly an expert on guitar design, but as I understand, 
> >chambers can add a lot of sustain and harmonic content. I think that's

> I thought:
> The chamber probably absorbs some energy from the cord and thus 
> sustain. The loud acoustic sound confirms that. The sound energy you hear
> is taken from the string and the more you take the quicker it is without,
> which means less sustain.

......well, it seems to me "acoustics" differs from this point of view.  
the string vibrates...the chambers resonate.  It's the amplification 
properties of the chambers themselves that create the sustain.  Take an 
acoustic guitar without the huge box and you haven't got much.  Play any 
hollowbody guitar vs. solid body...play through any good quality speaker 
cabinet and then through a speaker sitting on the workbench and you start 
to appreciate what "chambers" can do.