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Re: music

On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, Matt McCabe wrote:

> Why loop?
> Because there's always the potential of creating something beautiful and
> magic.....and then you turn your gear off and it's gone...but you really
> don't mourn it's loss (the loop) because you know the potential to do it
> again is still there...only in a different form.
> Matt

Interesting.  I've read similar comments on this list
in the past.  But for me it's a little different.  Very
often i'll create a loop, sit back and listen to it,
and end up quite displeased with the results of what
felt like a very cathartic creative experience.  The
process was the experience of the evening and not what
was produced.

But usually, being an archivist at heart, i'll throw
the loop down to DAT anyway once i'm finished (that is,
if i was too entranced at that delicious moment just
before the loop's "genesis" to remember to hit record
before i began).

Then, say two days later, i'll listen back to what
was created and think not so badly of it and find
a few good things there that i may try to incorporate
into a future attempt.  Then a week later i'll find
myself hearing things i hadn't heard before, 
relationships, textural movement, distant subtleties,
and i'll think, "Schitt, that ain't bad!  Maybe i'll
run it by a second and third pair of ears."  And they
often blow people away, these little creations that
kind of annoyed me the night they were born.  And 
sometimes, after several weeks, i'll want to listen
to it over and over--i end up really loving it.

The corollary of this, of course, is that often when
i immediately think on first listen that i've created
something quite magical, two weeks later i don't really
care for it.  Even then, i'll ask for other opinions,
and they are often in agreement with my own.  "Oh...
ummm....that's...well....yeah....ummm, not some of your
better stuff, man."

Anybody else experience this?  This certainly isn't
the rule.  I mean, on creating a loop i really like
i don't immediately think, "Ah schitt, this sounds
amazing to me--it must suck."  But the scenario above
happens to me quite often.  I haven't really meditated
enough on this to figure out why.

Any thoughts?

Pete Koniuto

Music Library
Boston University