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Re: music

  This has happened to me as well, not just with loop projects but also
  other types of pieces.  This also has happened with new records.
  Somebody mentioned the David Toop disc (Pink Noir?) which I bought based
  on high recomendation from respected sources, but when I first heard it I
  thought it sucked.  But a week later I put it on and I started to like it
  more.  Now I actually think it was worth it and is kinda inspiring.
  Anyway, my theory is that 'alien/possibly great' sounds/concepts can
  sound bad even to the genius-composer at the time of creation because it
  doesn't fit comfortably in his/her familiar sound-world.  But later you
  realize - Dang!...I never heard nuttin' like this before!  It's kind'r
  neat!  The reverse logic holds true for the corollary you mentioned:
  1.   Wow! This sounds just like Brian Eno's Greatest Moment!
  2.   Damn...this sounds just like Brian Eno's Greatest Moment.

  ed chang

The corollary of this, of course, is that often when
i immediately think on first listen that i've created
something quite magical, two weeks later i don't really
care for it.  Even then, i'll ask for other opinions,
and they are often in agreement with my own.  "Oh...
ummm....that's...well....yeah....ummm, not some of your
better stuff, man."

Anybody else experience this?  This certainly isn't
the rule.  I mean, on creating a loop i really like
i don't immediately think, "Ah schitt, this sounds
amazing to me--it must suck."  But the scenario above
happens to me quite often.  I haven't really meditated
enough on this to figure out why.

Any thoughts?

Pete Koniuto

Music Library
Boston University

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From: Pete Koniuto <pkoniuto@bu.edu>
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Subject: Re: music
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