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RE: loops, ambient or otherwise

Actually, for the email that you respnded to, I edited out quite a lot. I 
try to be considerate. And brief.

Though, if something does have to be lengthy, I try to break things up with
enough "white space" to make it easier to read. 


>1/ Then kindly delete those portions to which your comments are not   
>addressed. One problem with this list, and the reason digest subscribers  
>sometimes get several copies in a day, is that people don't EDIT!! If I'd 
>wanted that I'd have gone for the other version. A handy feature of these 
>modern computers is that unwanted text can be DELETED, thereby saving not 
>only that nebulous entity known as BANDWIDTH, but also the need to scroll 
>through seemingly endless lines of dross. Since Kim is kind enough to   
>keep this list unmoderated (of which, having as I do an anarchist bent, I 
>heartily approve) then it is up to us to keep it readable. I prefer my   
>looping in the audio domain; in text it becomes more redundant than the   
>base track for "Healthy Colours."
>2/ Then Peter Ensign commented:
>i dont want this shit
>Fine. Then don't read it! Especially, DON'T SEND IT BACK TO US!! TWICE!!!
><rant mode off>
>With regard to the aforementioned Mr. Fripp, I was at the "Space Music"   
>performance here in Toronto, and found it to be a highly entertaining   
>evening in many respects. When the sounds became less interesting, I   
>merely tuned them out and continued to converse with friends, many of   
>whom I hadn't seen for a long time, with one ear open to catch any   
>interesting changes. This, as I understand, was part of Robert's   
>expectation of me as an audient, and I was glad to oblige. It then took   
>on some aspects of certain John Cage events such as HPSCHD, where one is  
>free to wander about the "space" and experience the sounds from different 
>I hope this helps prod the thread back to relevance.
>Jim Bailey