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RE: loops, ambient or otherwise

Mike Biffle wrote:
> Thanks Reg for such clear and devoloped definitions regarding looping.   
Most of
> my comments are in reply to your feelings about Robert Fripp below.
<rant mode on>

1/ Then kindly delete those portions to which your comments are not   
addressed. One problem with this list, and the reason digest subscribers   
sometimes get several copies in a day, is that people don't EDIT!! If I'd  
wanted that I'd have gone for the other version. A handy feature of these  
modern computers is that unwanted text can be DELETED, thereby saving not  
only that nebulous entity known as BANDWIDTH, but also the need to scroll  
through seemingly endless lines of dross. Since Kim is kind enough to   
keep this list unmoderated (of which, having as I do an anarchist bent, I  
heartily approve) then it is up to us to keep it readable. I prefer my   
looping in the audio domain; in text it becomes more redundant than the   
base track for "Healthy Colours."

2/ Then Peter Ensign commented:

i dont want this shit

Fine. Then don't read it! Especially, DON'T SEND IT BACK TO US!! TWICE!!!

<rant mode off>

With regard to the aforementioned Mr. Fripp, I was at the "Space Music"   
performance here in Toronto, and found it to be a highly entertaining   
evening in many respects. When the sounds became less interesting, I   
merely tuned them out and continued to converse with friends, many of   
whom I hadn't seen for a long time, with one ear open to catch any   
interesting changes. This, as I understand, was part of Robert's   
expectation of me as an audient, and I was glad to oblige. It then took   
on some aspects of certain John Cage events such as HPSCHD, where one is   
free to wander about the "space" and experience the sounds from different  

I hope this helps prod the thread back to relevance.

Jim Bailey