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Re: Fred Frith

> From: Pete Koniuto <pkoniuto@bu.edu>
> Loopists,
> I've seen/heard Fred Frith's name pop up in numerous 
> interesting contexts, but don't think i have ever
> actually heard his music.
> Can anyone here give me some idea of what he's done,
> different developmental periods in his career,
> contributions to looping, good recordings to start out
> with, collaborator's, etc?
 Much obliged, much obliged,> Pete Koniuto

I too would like to learn more about Frith -i've seen him live in a duo
with John Zorn, it was really cool - and i have some stuff he's released -
some with Henry Kaiser ("with enemies like these, who needs friends") and a
string quartet CD.
To me, he's another key guitarist in the whole ground-breaking
experimental/roots area. And a champion of the improvisational spirit. He
plays some bass on some other stuff, like the Frith, French, Kaiser,
Thompson disc - which i strangely didn't enjoy the first couple listens.
anyone else have thoughts on this CD??? I never got into Richard Thompson -
i think it's the singing, cos i love his guitar work...

peace, andre' e