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Re: Fred Frith

Fred Frith was with Henry Cow in the 70's, then moved to NYCNY around '80
and started doing more improv/noisy/experimental/ stuff

He's largely a guitarist with a blazing right hand & is very good at
'table' gtr. (see Live discs with Chris Cutler), but he also plays fine
fiddle (violin) and bass (4 & 6 string)

He played with Eno (magic & science), Bill Laswell's Material, Massacre,
Golden Palominos (1st disc), Skeleton Crew, Dense Band, N. A.D.  and LOTS
of other wonderful noisy hybrid 'bands', duets, and has a bunch of solo
records, etc.

Check out Gravity or Speechless (solo CDs) for wonderful examples of his
style of noise/jazz/gypsy stuff
There's also a nice disc: Live at Victoriaville (w/Leussier(sp)) which is
full of noisy scratchy gtr duets ...

BTW - He also played some guitar on the FFKT - third song on the second
side (the arpeggio gtr.)
It was a fun band to see - I cought them here in the bay area at Ashkenas
in Berkeley.

There's an extensive list of his stuff at the ReR records web site:

There's also an online catalog linked from this ...

- the CD disc w/Kaiser is a compilation of 2 vinyls & an unreleased live 
- the disc w/Marc Ribot is called "Subsonic 1: Sound of a Distant Episode"


>> From: Pete Koniuto <pkoniuto@bu.edu>
>> Loopists,
>> I've seen/heard Fred Frith's name pop up in numerous
>> interesting contexts, but don't think i have ever
>> actually heard his music.
>> Can anyone here give me some idea of what he's done,
>> different developmental periods in his career,
>> contributions to looping, good recordings to start out
>> with, collaborator's, etc?
> Much obliged, much obliged,> Pete Koniuto
>I too would like to learn more about Frith -i've seen him live in a duo
>with John Zorn, it was really cool - and i have some stuff he's released -
>some with Henry Kaiser ("with enemies like these, who needs friends") and 
>string quartet CD.
>To me, he's another key guitarist in the whole ground-breaking
>experimental/roots area. And a champion of the improvisational spirit. He
>plays some bass on some other stuff, like the Frith, French, Kaiser,
>Thompson disc - which i strangely didn't enjoy the first couple listens.
>anyone else have thoughts on this CD??? I never got into Richard Thompson 
>i think it's the singing, cos i love his guitar work...
>peace, andre' e

     Buzz Kettles - buzz@macromedia.com
   Director, Shockwave, SWA and Audio R&D