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Re: sound cards

-----Original Message-----
From: robert kolosowski <kolosoro@yahoo.com>

>After years of faithfull service my tape machines are not .....
>So what sound cards & software are the go ?
>for a pentium box on NT 4.0. (although I could go to '95/98).

'Evening all,
The software I use, and can recommend, are SAWse and Soundforge.
The SAW (which is hidden away in Master Tracks Pro Audio) is useful for
looping wave files. I am using the 4-track version at the moment. There is 
24-track version available but you need a minimum 64 MB RAM to use it. (I'm
waiting to upgrade). I use the Soundforge for editing and mastering.
I also have Wavelab, which was recommended to me but I haven't got to grips
with it yet.