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Re: Gear Inherited...

Nope, it's stranger than that.  When I kick in the distortion on the
pedal, the output drops like 20 dB.  It's also gotten extremely noisy.  I
don't think that they make this config any more.  It's really cool though.
It works as a volume pedal, but you can kick it into a wah.  You can also
kick in distortion, so you can have way + distorion or volume + distortion
or just wah or just volume.  very cool.


Kevin Goldsmith                         kevin@unitcircle.com
Unit Circle Media                       http://www.unitcircle.com/

On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Edwin Hurwitz wrote:

> It's probably just the lightbulb. They're cheap and easy to replace. Any
> hardware store should have 'em.
> Edwin
> Edwin Hurwitz
> Boulder CO
> http://www.indra.com/~edwin