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Re: Gear Inherited...

>Nope, it's stranger than that.  When I kick in the distortion on the
>pedal, the output drops like 20 dB.  It's also gotten extremely noisy.

Sounds like it could be a component in the distortion circuit has failed or
is failing, maybe a leaky transistor...

For some amusingly polarized reviews of this and other Morleys, check out
<http://www.harmonycentral.com/Effects/Data/Morley/> ("Totally awesome and
here's why..." versus "This %$#@ing pedal sucks, let me count the ways...",
delegates from both extremes offer their opinions. 

This may or may not help; I haven't ever called the guy (or gal?, the name
is Tracy) but <http:/www.musician.com/free/faq/access_6.html>

Then there's <http://users.aol.com/AnalogMike/faq.htm> for some useful
effects info, where you might have some luck posting your situation...

Have you tried Morley's site <http://www.morleypedals.com/menu.asp> ?
Although they may have forgotten they ever made this one... the animated
GIF of the foot operating one of their products is alone worth the click. I
used to have some boots like that! I wore them while using an old Foxx wah
that (really) was wired backwards, so I guess that made it an ahwahw
pedal... (sorry... but at least I didn't comment on the ausio clips,
although I did wonder if tape loops go the other way round south of the

Hope SOMETHING here helps...
