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Re: vocalists?

At 8:55 AM -0700 6/2/99, Dennis W. Leas wrote:
>Is anybody doing loops with primarily or exclusively vocals?  I.e., all or
>most sounds are vocally produced?  Do you have example, mp3 files, etc.?
>Dennis Leas

this was posted a while back, but I wanted to recommend Jim Mahoney. He
does solo vocals with heavy use of looping. He originally used the Paradis
LoopDelay, and now uses the echoplex. He's really quite a virtuoso, with
both his voice and the loops. I think the closest comparison might be Bobby
McFerrin, although Jim is clearly awesome in his own right. His style has a
heavy african and jazz influence, although there's quite a bit more there.
There are no words, all vocalizations to create rhythms, bass lines,
harmonies, melodies, etc. He uses the loops extensively to create a rich
variety of parts in his compositions. Complex interlocking rhythms,
harmonies, counterpart lines, etc. All interacting and evolving constantly,
and very musical. It's often hard to tell what's a loop and what isn't!  He
creates it all on the fly, in one shot, amazing to hear, really. But above
all, it's just great music, however he's doing it.

I have his demo cd, I'm not sure if he has anything available commercially.
(which would be quite a shame, really...he should). He doesn't seem to have
a web site, but I have his email address. Hopefully he doesn't mind if I
give it out:  jvmahoney@mediaone.net. Perhaps he would be willing to sell
some of his cds if you are interested.

oh, another vocalist/looper is Siobhan Canty, who is on the Looper's
Delight Volume 2 CD. If you don't have LD vol 2 yet, here's another reason
why you should. :-)


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com