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Re: Lexicon & JAMMAN

>David Kirkdorffer <DKirkdorffer@exapps.com> wrote:
>>My guess is the best one can hope for from Lexicon re:JAMMAN is what they
>>are doing now -- that is, building some/many JAMMAN like capabilities 
>>other effects devices they produce.
>Hey, the Echoplex got reissued, now didn't it?  It did take a little
>time, mind you, and it was somewhat different.

Actually, the Echoplex is not a "reissue" of anything. There is the ancient
tape delay from decades ago called "Echoplex". It happens that Gibson owns
this name. When Gibson decided to license this fascinating looping machine
from Matthias Grob decades later, somebody thought, "hey, we have this
Echoplex name, let's call it that!" And it was deliciously subversive and
so it was done.

But the two device have nothing to do with each other at all, really.

and the current Echoplex Digital Pro (as we brilliantly named it...) has
never been discontinued, so it's not yet in a position to be
"reissued"....at least not yet. it's just on one of its yearly

>I'm sure Lexicon would love to have more of a presence in the
>lower-priced effects market as there is a great deal of volume
>in that area, even though the margins are smaller.
>I can imagine that they'd release an improved version, though...
>a "son of JamMan" which had better MIDI and that sort of thing.

Lexicon lost a boatload of money on the jamman. (largely because they
didn't have a very solid grasp on "low cost" markets at the time.) When
they killed it, they had a warehouse full of unsellable jammans! it was a
running internal joke there for quite a few years. The prospects for future
jammans have never been very good....

And now, Lex has largely lost the autonomy they once enjoyed within the
Harmon organization, which is probably a bit sad. I wouldn't place my chips
on that square, but you never know....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com