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It was reported that on Wednesday June 23, 1999 at aprox. 11:15 pm I lost 
all power to my electronics as I was soundscaping at the Grape Fruit Moon 
cafe in front of 20 or so people.  The loss which was estimated between 3 
and 60 seconds, occured then the soundscaping continued.  It has now been 
made clear that to me by sources I can not name that this occurrence did 
actually occur at all.  In fact the whole phenomenon was merely a 
inversion which caused swamp gas to bounce off the debris from a weather 
balloon.  The resulting atmospheric turbulence simultaneously caused the 
ceiling fan to speed up from its 1 rotation a moment speed to 1.5 
a moment thus over taxing the Ontario Hydro power grid and causing what is 
know to the lay-person as a "brown out".  This "brown out" effected only 
equipment in question and as the swamp gas settled on the Grape Fruit Moon 
itself the "illusion" of the soundscape stopping occurred.  I would like 
clear the air on this issue and hope that the 33rd degree freemasons who 
really upset when I mess with the space/time continuum by soundscaping 
accept this explanation for the event in question that never happened.
Sorry for mentioning it.

Lorne Thomson
Toronto, Canada

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