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Re: Re:Unsubscribe!/ EDP Undo function

At 11:00 AM -0700 9/1/00, Clifford@BienAppraisers wrote:
>Actually, to be ON topic- how exactly do you undo on the EDP? I get lost 
>after I overdub it seems to take numerous presses of the undo at precisely
>the start point to clear what I want to clear- which inevitably leads me 
>just press undo like MAD until it is all gone- not good-

Hi Cliff-

Sounds like you need to learn the difference between a Long-Press Undo and
a Short-Press Undo. Check the manual under "undo", it is explained there.

Basically, a short-press undo removes whatever was overdubbed *after* that
point in the loop. That is useful if you have overdubbed something in the
loop and screwed up at the end. You want to take out that clam without
hearing it again, but you don't want to take out the stuff you played
before it that was right. So as the loop is playing, right before the bad
bit comes you tap undo for a short-press and the overdubbed stuff after
that point is removed. Before that point is kept. Then you could turn
overdub back on and correct it on the next pass or something. Short-press
undo's won't remove the whole layer and take you back to previous versions.

A long-press undo is probably what you are actually trying to do. That is
where you hold the button for half a second and the entire overdub layer is
removed, taking you back to the previous version. If you have enough
memory, you can go all the way back to the original before you started
overdubbing on it.

Also, pay attention to how many layers you have actually overdubbed!
Sometimes you might start an overdub just before the loop end, go all the
way through the loop, then end it just past the startpoint again. Then
you've actually got three layers of overdubs, when you might have thought
you only did one! So it will take three Undo press in that case. When you
understand how Undo works, and what you need to pay attention to, it is
quite easy to control it.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com