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Re: Rich's Repeater questions

Hey Rich,
A few answers....
>Ok, here's the on topic question for our yet-to-be-seen Repeater.

>They say that once you capture the loop, you have control over Tempo and
>Pitch.  Is this real-time?  Ala Roland's Variphrase? 
Real time it is.

>It seems like you would have to have alot of horsepower to record the 
have it playing
>and then adjust pitch or tempo on the fly (Roland says that you have to
>'encode' the sample with their proprietary system before you can 
>the samples in real-time with the Variphrase). 

We have a few horses under the lid of Repeater. We also have some pretty 
guys working on the time-stretching and pitch shifting algorithms so no
encoding necessary, just record and tweak. 

>Also, is it doing time-stretching?  If i decide to change the pitch, does 
tempo change,
>or is the loop still locked to it's original length?  If i change the
>tempo, does the pitch change?

Time and pitch can instantly be manipulated real time without effecting 

>I really like the idea of the Boomerang update, with 'musical' speed
>changes, but it seems that you have to stop the loop, change the speed and
>start again.

>I wonder how the Repeater is going to do it?  I think it would open up a
>pandora's box of harmonic possibilities if you could capture 4 loops and
>then start changing pitches into 5ths, 7ths, octaves and such, yet still
>keeping the loop length locked.

That's the whole idea!

>Another dreamy question...Synching two (or more) EDP's seems to be a very
>sweet setup...Can two Repeaters be synched via the midi ports?

