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Re: Rich's Repeater questions

rich <rich@nuvision.com> wrote:

 >I wonder how the Repeater is going to do it?  I think it would open up a
 >pandora's box of harmonic possibilities if you could capture 4 loops and
 >then start changing pitches into 5ths, 7ths, octaves and such, yet still
 >keeping the loop length locked.

Hi Rich;

Lemme springboard something from this...

My partner in crime and I recently wrote an article on loop based 
composition which is currently up online at the Electrix site:


   click on "Views" in the top frame

The article is written from the point of view of working with a MIDI 
sequencer, but...

All that we talk about there, can also be done with Repeater. :)

Mark and Amanda
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