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RE: Suggestion to the LD mailing list

Your e-mail client, whatever it is, should have a feature to sort e-mail
display in any folder by "conversation," or "thread," which is the 
line in the e-mail.  This should help you get really choosy about what to
read.  But it would work best if you filter out all LD e-mail to go to its
own folder.  You could select a whole conversation and delete it!

But a very peculiar problem to LD subscribers is that they can't leave the
Subject line enough alone.  They're always adding little bits to it,
combining Subjects, etc., and for a lot of threads, this kills the purpose
of having a Subject to group e-mails.  So it won't work some times.

  | -----Original Message-----
  | From: Alejandro Martínez [mailto:alexmartinez7@hotmail.com]
  | Sent: Friday 15 September 2000 12:46 AM
  | To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
  | Subject: Suggestion to the LD mailing list
  | interest just by reading the subjet line, my suggestion is
  | this: I think it
  | will be a
  | good idea to make the posting through a Bulletin Board type of
  | page inside
  | the Looper´s Delight web site like the BBs that are on pages
  | like Ampage
  | http://www.ampage.org/ or Vintage guitar online
  | http://www.vintage-guitar.com:8080/forums/ , I think it would
  | be easier to
  | just click on a topic´s name and have access to read all the
  | responses to
  | that particular topic instead of going through all the emails
  | in the inbox,
  | also in that way you eliminate the need of putting filters to
  | emails that
  | may have a point of interest: if you´re not interested on that
  | particular
  | subject you just don´t click on it anymore, also you eliminate
  | the need of
  | unsbscribing when out for some days or not liking the list
  | anymore yet you