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RE: Eventide4 KIM

Yes, and of course this begs the question:

The new software upgrade for the EDP will be
released approximately when?

As i understand it, with the upgrade one will be
able to drop their loop an octave (doubling the
loop length), correct?  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allan Hoeltje [mailto:ahoeltje@best.com]
> Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 1:53 PM
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: Re: Eventide4 KIM
> Right on, Kim.  If it ain't broke, don't fix
it!  Whereas I 
> can imagine in my
> head what a super EDP would be like (and it's
price tag), the 
> current model is
> pretty damn perfect.  The fact that the EDP can
be (and has 
> been) incrementally
> improved with software upgrades shows that the
hardware was 
> well designed.
> -Allan
> Kim Flint wrote:
> > Everybody who has already paid their
> > dollars for the hardware can get it updated
for a much 
> smaller price. They
> > don't have to throw away everything they
already bought and 
> get something
> > new. I consider that a feature, not a

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