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FW: Monday 27 November, Cambridge, MA: Middle-East Down: TheLoopers' Collective VI - http://www.openfaucet.com/loop.html

forwarded for David Kirkdorffer:

>From: "Kirkdorffer, David" <dkirkdorffer@netmorf.com>
>To: "'contactLD@loopers-delight.com'" <contactLD@loopers-delight.com>
>Subject: Monday 27 November: Middle-East Down: The Loopers' Collective VI
>        -    http://www.openfaucet.com/loop.html
>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 17:19:12 -0500
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Kim -
>May I ask a favor of you?  Could you post this message to the
>loopers-delight elist, as I'm not a subscriber at this time (new job!)?
>Many thanks in advance.
>David Kirkdorffer
>Round and Round Productions is proud to present
>The Loopers' Collective - VI
>The Middle East (downstairs)
>Cambridge, MA
>Monday, November 27, 2000
>@ 8pm (doors at 7:30)
>$7/$5 students &/or with a print out of this eMail
>Return of THE LOOPERS' COLLECTIVE! http://www.openfaucet.com/loop.html
>Courtesy of rosS Hamlin and OpenFaucet Enterprises, this is part six of a
>long and loopy collaboration. This time out it's guitar-ing loopers only.
>The concept is this: each musician will do a short solo set, followed 
>by small groups and an eventual all-in scrum.  The music is circular,
>meaning that each musician has the ability to real-time layer numerous 
>with new tracks entering the mix all the time.
>The style leans towards the ambient and trippy, and with live video mixing
>(courtesy of video virtuoso, Dr. T.), you can be sure of trippiness 
>TLC VI will feature six Boston-based six-string slingers blazing a trail
>into the nether reaches of your mind:
>*      Scott Dakota (of Moors fame) - roland space echo
>*      Frank Gerace (of Dreamchild fame) - edp & jamman
>*      rosS Hamlin - boomerang
>*      T.G. Noyes - digitech
>*      2KJB (aka Plastic Razor Protector) - digitech
>*      UNDO (aka David Kirkdorffer) - edp
>As always, please bring your awareness how you will.
>David Kirkdorffer

Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com