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RE: Disappointed in Hollywood - - to each his own, i suppose: ad dendum

> so . . . some further thoughts about this:
> 1. how much looping has to be in a performance before it can qualify as
> being advertised on this list? for about a 30-minute performance, i had
> loops going for maybe 7-8 minutes - - very approximate time here. the 
> guy was 30+ minutes of all looping, yet was deemed boring . . . is MUSIC 
> goal or LOOPING? how about one in service of the other? is there some
> delineated way in which one needs to use the tools before it is deemed
> looping?

I don't think any, if it's specified up front.

> 2. if i pay to see you play, do i need to agree with what you're doing
> before i feel that you haved deserved to get my "hard-earned" money? 
> if one is so cash-strapped, one shouldn't go out. do you feel ripped off 
> you go to see a movie (now about $8-10) and don't like it? how about 
> a video? how about any performance or documentation of one (cd, etc.)? 
> you applying the same criteria? just because you didn't like it doesn't
> necessarily mean that you are ripped off.

(I don't go to the movies any more, and rarely rent - there's an awful lot 
of Stuff Catering To Tastes And Sensibilities Other Than Mine out there, 
what with eminem winning the grammies and all, but I know what you mean; 
it's like if crap comes in a shiny packaged box, then we just take it like 
the good little consumers we are, but put a face to it, and we start to 
howl. :> )

You have a very good point, and it's fortunate that you (just as someone 
else at the performance) are here to say that you had a different 
experience. There's absolutely a certain level of 'take it or leave it' in 
any art; you're paying to see someone else's interpretation of art, not 
specifically to be entertained. I don't think this discussion was about 'I 
went to the gig, paid my lousy $2 to get in, and all I got was this nasty 
ringing in my ears" though that will always be someone's point of view, at 
any gig.

>this discussion is a good thing.
>if the original post had not seemed inflammatory,
>it might have died a lonely death...

Very much so.
