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Re: looper interfaces (was: new "radiaL" from Cycling '74)

sorry, I sent this styled, so here its plain again:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Andrew Pask" 
>Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 1:19 PM
>Subject: Re: new "radiaL" from Cycling '74
>  > I was talking with the programmers down there
>>  about what constituted the "ultimate looping app" and the idea for 
>>them is that
>>  there isn't one. The ultimate looping app doesn't exist because 
>>the specifics
>>  of the music are the things which ultimately determine the 
>>configuration of the
>>  app, and these are changing all the time as the music evolves. So 
>>their idea is
>>  that the ultimate looping app (ULA) is one which is "customizable" 
>>to a large
>>  degree without giving away too much of the "still works while 
>>groping around for
>>  it in the dark on the bandstand" factor.

>Precisely.  I have a set of tools for constructing loopers for the 
>Kyma.  They're not complete but pretty close.  As a test, I'm trying 
>to replicate the behavior of hardware loopers.  The replicated 
>loopers aren't intended to replace the original boxes (it would be 
>pretty stupid to replace a $200 box with a Kyma system!) but to 
>enable the study of different user interfaces for loopers.  I 
>believe the interface as important as the functionality.  After all, 
>at some level the difference between a guitar and a violin is the 
>user interface!

right. And you can tune those intruments just as you like, so they 
are customizable. Its just that not very many use such freedom...

But to study user interfaces with Kyma (or MAX?) is a dream... keep 
us informed!


          ---> http://Matthias.Grob.org