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RE: Repeater memory

At 10:13 AM -0800 2/6/01, rich wrote:
>>Imagine what a Repeater 5 might be like!
>>      /t
>yeah, sure...but take a look at sony's scary tv ad campaign of
>"Playstation 9"...a futuristic look at a completely holodeck-like
>gaming experience, with the gamer totally immersed....coupled with
>their current print media campaign which has the uplifting tagline of
>"you can turn it on, but you can't turn it off"...
>a bit matrixian...if i can use that word.  are the musicians going to
>be musically 'wired' in someday?

I thought the funniest thing about that ad was that the date for the
imaginary playstation 9 release was something like 2079. If you think about
it, that means it will take Sony 78 years to do the next 7 versions of
playstation. That's a bit more than 11 years development time for each

And you guys think looper developers are slow. :-)


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com