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Re: audience for 'out' music = derivitative of jazz

At 8:42 PM -0800 2/20/01, mattlove1 wrote:

>I'm currently reading Between Rock and Hard Places, a Musical 
>by Tom Constanten

A small anecdote related to me by the composer Bernard Rands:

Bernard, Luciano Berio, and T.C. were sitting in a bar on the Italian 
Riviera, drinking and talking as was their nightly custom. Berio had 
removed his rather thick-lensed glasses and laid them on the table. 
T.C. picked them up and tried them on, and said, "Boy, Luciano, you 
must have really strong eyes to be able to see through these!"

Richard Zvonar, PhD                     zvonar@zvonar.com
(818) 788-2202 voice                    zvonar@LCSaudio.com
(818) 788-2203 fax                      zvonar@well.com
